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Calgary Event Centre Moving Closer to Breaking Ground with Final Agreements Signed

October 12, 2023

With final agreements now signed by all participating parties – including The City of Calgary, The Province of Alberta, Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation, and Calgary Stampede – Calgary’s long-awaited Event Centre (CEC) is advancing into its design and construction phase.

This continues the momentum of the city’s emerging Culture + Entertainment District (C+E District) and the ongoing revitalization of Calgary’s downtown core. The City will be working with CAA ICON as the development manager, and DIALOG and HOK as design consultants on the design of the new centre.

As a year-round hub for sports, arts, and entertainment, Calgary’s new events district will not only provide generational investment into Calgary and the surrounding region, but will also attract commercial investment and boost the city’s cultural and economic vibrancy. Housing new community amenities and infrastructure, the project promises to make a resounding impact on Calgary.

This project will create better public gathering spaces, improved transportation networks, a downtown community rink, and an arena to drive events that spur hosting and tourism opportunities, along with creation of jobs in the construction, retail, and entertainment sectors.

—Jyoti Gondek, Mayor of Calgary

Utility and site preparation work for the centre will kick off in the fall, closely followed by the development permit process, which will include designing the community rink, event centre, and public gathering spaces.

As the site has expanded to include more land areas and amenities, a different design for the centre is anticipated to be submitted as part of the design permit process, which will be shared with the public when schedules are finalized. The design of the new event centre is aiming for LEED certification.

With the development permit process expected to be completed in 2024, construction on the CEC will begin in the same year, anchoring its role in the C+E District’s mission to be a lively and buzzing community hub.