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Centennial College in AZURE Magazine: Indigenous Design and Knowledge in Post-Secondary Institutions

October 5, 2022

Centennial College A-Block expansion included in AZURE Magazine‘s feature on Indigenous design and knowledge in post-secondary institutions.

In “Indigenous Campus: Truth and Reconciliation in the Built Environment,” AZURE Senior Editor Stefan Novakovic looks at the Centennial College A-Block Expansion as “a physical embodiment of the school’s commitment to Truth and Reconciliation.”

“Designed by DIALOG in collaboration with Indigenous-owned firm Smoke Architecture, the mass timber, zero-carbon complex is predicated on the notion of “Two-Eyed Seeing,” a Mi’kmaq philosophy of simultaneously observing the world through Indigenous and Western modes. Architecturally, the concept translates into a synthesis of placed-based narrative (rooted in sensitivity to local plant and animal life and the changing seasons) with the aspirations of high-tech, low-carbon design.”

Head to for the full story.