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Navigating Through Career and Motherhood: DIALOG’s Diana Smith Featured in #LikeAMother Podcast Series

May 27, 2024

In the latest episode of the Pros&Babes podcast Engineer the World, Your Success, and Life Harmony #likeamother Series, DIALOG’s Diana Smith, partner and mechanical engineer, sat with Kinia Romanowska, investigative journalist turned maternity leave, motherhood strategist, to share how she is engineering success in her career, leadership role, and motherhood.

Revealed: How I’m Engineering Success in My Career, Leadership, and Motherhood

In the episode, Diana shares invaluable insights on integrating career and family life. She highlights four key tips that helped her navigate and balance career and family responsibilities:

  • Give yourself grace: Diana emphasizes that balancing work and family responsibilities can be challenging, but it’s important to acknowledge that not every day is perfect and to be gentle with yourself.
  • Plan ahead: Planning ahead and starting the preparation process early is important in any situation – whether it’s discussing leave options with the employer, arranging for coverage during absence, or organizing the workload to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Communicate effectively: She highlights the importance of open and transparent communication with the employer and colleagues about anticipated leave dates, any relevant policies or procedures, and the level of engagement during your leave.
  • Set boundaries: Diana emphasizes setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care during parental leave. It is essential to establish clear boundaries between work and personal life, allowing time to rest and recover.

About Pros&Babes

Pros&Babes, an Alberta, Canada-based media and education company, was founded in 2017 with a mission to help Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), corporate, and career-minded women (and their supporters) turn the Motherhood Penalty into their greatest advantage. They provide resources, workshops, programs, networking, and conference opportunities to support working mothers through career and motherhood responsibilities. Pros&Babes also help employers and professional associations tackle challenges that working parents face.