Karel’s leadership role as a contract administrator in the Toronto Studio is driven by his relentless work ethic to see his clients’ visions realized as built environments. With a background as an architectural technologist and certified construction contract administrator, Karel has strong technical skills in construction detailing, preparation of construction documents, client & design team coordination, and contract administration. His significant experience across a broad range of project types has quickly made him the go-to person for resolving contract administration issues in the Toronto Studio. Karel seeks to contribute to the evolution of the construction industry, facilitating innovation as an effective communicator who manages the diverse talents, skill sets, and personalities on a given project. His ability to manage conflicting views highlights his skill in bringing large, diverse teams together for effective project delivery.
In addition to his broad range of experience, Karel thrives as a leader, driving organization, communication, and documentation. He is known for his mentorship of intern and junior architects in contract administration, providing them with the senior support necessary for them to grow and further both their careers and the practice. He currently teaches a materials and methods course that focuses on sustainability at Humber College and he is a guest lecturer at the University of Toronto on contract administration.
If you could work a ‘day-in-the-life’ of another discipline/department at DIALOG, whose would it be? Why?
Definitely our structural team. I have always loved structural engineering and design, especially when it can be the main architectural feature of a building instead of hidden or buried within walls as it often is. It’s what keeps our buildings from falling down and our infrastructure from crumbling beneath our feet.
Where do you find inspiration?
My kids. A day does not go by that I do not think about what the world will be like when they are older. It’s pretty clear that my generation and those before us have impacted the global environment to such a degree that our children are forced to positively deal with our actions. The other day, our 9-year-old was asking about a huge advertising sign that is between the Distillery District and the Gardiner Expressway. He asked, why is it there? Why is it needed? And why is it using up such valuable resources? If these types of questions can come from a 9-year-old, why can’t these questions come from adults in older generations? When I hear such questions from a 9-year-old, it makes me want to do better in our industry and to continue to push the envelope on improved and sustainable construction. That’s what inspires me—the fact that our kids know how critical it is to act now. We have to. For them. For everyone.
How do you hope your work positively impacts our communities and environment?
What we do is pretty impactful. From where people learn, to where people do research for the better future, to where people get better. It all matters. It’s all a positive impact. Now if we can only convince our clients to make these facilities 100% sustainable, off the grid, and naturally regenerative, well then, that is the biggest impact we can make as professionals.
Architectural Technology Diploma
George Brown College