News & Events

DIALOG Appoints Two New Partners

July 6, 2023

DIALOG is proud to announce the appointment of two new Partners to share in the leadership of our growing practice. Named from within the practice, Sara Remocker, senior interior designer, and Daniel Prescott, mechanical engineer, will continue to build upon their history of creating meaningful and positive changes, both to DIALOG and the broader communities, in their position as Partners.

“I am personally thrilled by having Sara and Dan join the partnership,” says Antonio Gómez-Palacio, DIALOG Chair. “At a distance, an interior designer and a mechanical engineer may appear to inhabit entirely different worlds. Yet, when you talk to them, it becomes abundantly clear that they share a north star – to meaningfully improve the wellbeing of people.”

“Sara is one of those relentlessly inquisitive minds. And the spaces that result from her creative, engaging process, well, they’re gorgeous,” Gómez-Palacio adds. “Dan is a deep thinker. He connects the dots. Brings data to decision-making. He expands the thinking of everyone around him and we are all better for it.”

Read on to learn more about our newest Partners.

Sara Remocker, BID | RID | LEED® AP

Sara builds upon 19 years of international and local design experience, including workplace, higher education, repositioning, mixed-use and multi-family. As a champion for DIALOG’s integrated design process, her forward-thinking and human-centric approach, creative ability, and strong technical foundations cultivate progressive, inclusive and thoughtfully detailed outcomes. She brings an infectious passion which has amplified our practice through her expertise in engagement and thoughtful approach to transforming spaces for companies like Relic Entertainment, Electronic Arts, PwC, Peoples Group and Capilano University.

Learn more about Sara >

Daniel Prescott, BEng | MASc | PEng

Leveraging nearly 15 years of industry experience as a mechanical engineer, Dan creates innovative design solutions to mitigate environmental impact while supporting practical and human needs. This passion translates into sustainable development and integrated collaborative design processes, which provide life-cycle and construction-cycle benefits to clients. This passion has also led to his recognition in the wider community, notably with Construction Canada, which recently honoured him with the Emerging Leader Award for Technology Advancement.

Learn more about Dan >