840 Howe Street Lobby Repositioning

Transforming a 1980s post-modern building into a contemporary space

Office & Workplace

DIALOG was tasked with repositioning a 1980s-era building, turning it into a contemporary space worthy of Vancouver’s business district and a solid asset for the client. The revitalized space is bold and simple. An elegant white metal ribbon moves from the exterior plaza through the main entrance and hugs the atrium glazing, while black and white design elements stand in strong contrast to existing concrete structures. An art installation and water feature were removed to make the space cleaner. New end-of-trip facilities provide a bright and highly visible path to bike storage, change facilities, and locker rooms.

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Vancouver, BC
6,080 sq ft
GWL Realty Advisors

Applied Engineering Solutions
Glasfurd & Walker
Green Over Grey
RJC Engineers

DIALOG Services

Interior Design
Mechanical Engineering

The Team

More than one idea

The original concept sketch for 840 Howe lobby renovation alludes to the final design, but the concept went much further than this…

An edifice stuck in time

The entryway for 840 Howe (formerly Robson Court) was dated, and showed the age of the building.

A stark difference from the outset

Early drawings of the newly envisioned renamed and rebranded 840 Howe were vastly different.

Dated, on the inside and outside

The building lobby was also dated, with pink marble, a bamboo art installation, and water feature.

A bamboo forest and signboard

The previous lobby included a number of disparate elements that made it appear cluttered and dated.

Uninspired concierge desk

The original concierge desk was dated and uninspired; the new desk ties in to the new colour scheme.

Tying inside and outside together

This sketch shows the initial concept for carrying the ribbon from the exterior to the interior.

Functional but drab parking

The parking garage was decidedly drab before it was converted into an end-of-trip facility.