Shadbolt Centre for the Arts

Renovation and expansion of arts facilities

Civic & Culture

DIALOG, in collaboration with Henry Hawthorn Architect, created a master plan for the expansion of the existing arts facilities within Deer Lake Park. We then led a team of consultants through the design and implementation of the arts centre expansion, providing a variety of new performing arts teaching and performance spaces, as well as renovations to the existing James Cowan Theatre. The 3,000 square meter expansion included new dance and music studios and a new studio (black box) theatre plus underground parking. The addition was carefully designed to tie in with the park and garden setting and the heritage character of the existing precinct.

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Burnaby, BC
32,292 sq ft
Corporation of the Municipality of Burnaby

Henry Hawthorn Architect

DIALOG Services

Planning & Urban Design

The Shadbolt Centre for the Arts is located in Deer Lake Park, adjacent to Burnaby’s Municipal Complex. The building was designed to carefully integrate into the park setting.

Exterior cladding materials, including cedar shingles and stone, were selected to integrate with the surrounding heritage residential buildings.

Ample views into the building as well as opportunities to walk up and over as well as through it, provide opportunities to experience the activities held within, without necessarily participating.

The atrium provides direct access to a recital hall and the 150-seat studio (black box) theatre, while scaled to also support markets and other community activities within it.

The galleria runs the length of the building, linking the many and varied teaching and performance spaces, while providing opportunities to display some of the visual arts created within the facility.

The airy main atrium is characterized by an exuberant heavy timber structure and a prominent stone wall that recalls the heritage buildings of the precinct.

The timber roof structure is also featured in the galleria as well as the primary dance studio.

The new dance and rehearsal studio enjoys ample daylight that helps highlight the heavy timber roof structure.

The Team

The Shadbolt Centre’s location on the larger Burnaby civic complex site.

Section drawing of the Shadbolt Centre and trusses.

Section drawing of the Shadbolt Centre atrium and trusses.

Ground floor plan for the Shadbolt Centre.

Second floor plan for the Shadbolt Centre.


1996 Award of MeritCanadian Wood Council Wood Design