Steven joined DIALOG as a structural engineer in 2010. At the heart of his approach is an understanding of how design directly impacts people today and in the long run, ultimately allowing him to create the best possible outcomes for our communities. Steven believes that the collaboration of an integrated project team keeps people at the forefront of our work and utilizes cross-disciplinary knowledge to redefine how the built environment serves our world. To do so, he combines technical engineering analysis with his passion for building relationships, in turn fostering a generative environment that results in great design.
Steven has led large and small bridges, serving roads, light rail, heavy rail, pedestrian bridges, as well as various building typologies. His notable projects include the iconic Walterdale Bridge in Edmonton; the three-span Highgate Bridge over State Highway 1 in Auckland, New Zealand; and the Addition and Renovation of the Student’s Union Building at his Alma Mater, the University of Alberta. Within DIALOG, Steven is a key leader in the structural group, and serves as a coach and resource manager for the bridge engineering team. He is currently a member of the Steel Design Committee for the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (S6).
What’s your favourite DIALOG project? Why?
My favorite DIALOG project is the Walterdale Bridge for so many reasons. It involved an amazing integrated DIALOG design team (plus our other awesome partners on the project), it is in the heart of a city that means so much to me, it includes a pedestrian / cyclist bridge that I love to use, my kids get to see it on TV which they enjoy, and it’s just an incredibly cool structure. It is an icon for the city that draws people to Edmonton’s wonderful river valley.
What’s your favourite DIALOG initiative? Why?
Tough call, but I will have to pick the DIALOG Edmonton Studio annual street hockey tournament. Getting a bunch of DIALOGers, families, and neighbours out enjoying the street together is an amazing experience each and every time.
Where do you find inspiration?
At home. I am so lucky to have three amazing kids who challenge me every day and inspire me with desire to help build a world that can be even better for them in the future. My wife is also incredible and provides me with daily inspiration to be the best I can be.
MEng, Structural Engineering
University of Alberta
BSc, Civil Engineering with Distinction
University of Alberta